Monday, June 20, 2011

Poster Choice

1. Wagon, 24x 36

2. Wednesday May 25, 2011, 12:25 PM, Bannack

3.Canon EOS REBEL T2i, Aperture Priority Mode, f/5, shutter speeds: 1/4000, 1/2000, 1/1000, 1/500, 1/250, 1/125

4. Photomatrix, saturation, levels, camera RAW vignette

5. So this is my multiple HDR shot. I chose this one for my poster because of how sharp the photo turned out along with the great colors produced. I also liked how well it went with the brown frame that I purchased. PLus it is for my mom and it was her favorite shot from Bannack. In making it I used six different exposures consisting of -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 which gave Photomatrix a lot to work with I think. After it was put into Photomatrx took down the saturation a touch because the red was just a little bright but using a mask I just applied it to the section that were most red. I also changed the levels wih an adjustment layer and then took I into camera RAW and added a vignette around the border to make the wagon pop a little more.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Fine Art Template

For both of these I created a box in photoshop and duplicated it till i had five then centered them. After that I created a clipping mask with both photos clipping them to the the shapes so that the photos will only show up in those shapes. After that I added my name at the bottom and that was about it.

Night & Light

Blurred Lights

Jimmy J Streak


Rexburg ID

Saturday June 11, 2011 10:01 PM


5 sec


For this shot I set up my camera with a 5 second exposure time so that it would take in more light and make streaks out of any of the cars driving past Jimmy Johns. I made sure to use my self timer so that there wouldn't be any shake from when i pressed the button. I didnt do anything besides resize these photos in Photoshop.

Camera Motion

Heart or Apple Depending on your mood


Rexburg ID

Saturday June 11, 2011 10:05 PM


5 sec

With this shot I focused on a specific light and turned off my self timer and ditched the tripod. I half clicked to focus on the light and then held it as I moved the light into the starting position and after pressing down I just drew with my camera remembering where the light was. The result is this apple/heart looking thing. The reason I chose this one over my other attempts is that the little lights/reflections everywhere else shows the same apple shape just a lot less bold and I liked the way that looked.

Light Painting

Ghost Trails


Rexburg ID

Saturday June 11, 2011 10:17 PM


15 sec


For this I bused out the tripod again and changed my exposure time to 15 sec. This gave me time to paint the ground with my light and make a trail. I played around a lot with this and found some interesting shots. This one was one of my favorites because its pretty simple and the trail goes well with the trees. One interesting thing I found out was if I got close to the trees and painted on them it actually looked like silver spray-paint which was pretty cool.

Dirt and Ice


Civil Defense Caves

Saturday June 11, 2011 4:35 PM


Now this was just a shot I wanted to throw in. i went to the caves and there was still a lot of frozen puddles inside the cave. So this is just a cool shot of me lighting up the ice with my flashlight and it showing all the little dirt scribbles in the ice.

Light Sketching

Pony in the Park


Rexburg ID

Saturday June 11, 2011 10:27 PM


15 sec




Rexburg ID

Saturday June 11, 2011 10:01 PM


30 sec


I probably spent the most time doing the light sketching. It was the most fun. My first one I drew a pony and then a penguin. I needed more than 15 sec for the penguin so you'll notice it has a 30 sec exposure time, unlike the simple horse. So i set up the camera on the tripod again and took the shot then ran out with the light and pointed it at the lens and just started drawing. Found out the larger the drawing the better it will turn out. At least with the light i was using. If it was too small then the light would blurr together and it would end up a blob.

Monday, June 6, 2011


For my single scan I decided to use the cool stuff my girlfriend brought back from her trip to Europe earlier this semester with the school. We have ticket stubs, museum maps, chocolate bar wrappers and an Italia bracelet she brought back for me. Lots of random stuff with a common theme that I feel turned out very nice.

Spring Time
These are all scans I put together. I used sunflower seeds, a dried flower, and a couple of shirts. I tooks some of the seeds and arranged them the way I wanted and then made it look as though the flower was growing out of one. Then i used my brown shirt for the ground and my tye-dye shirt as the sky. I added a linear blending mode to the sky and a gradient in the top corner. All the scans were done in 600 pixels.

Edge Effects



Monday June 6th , 2011 6:33 AM

Rexburg, ID



For this edit I simply took the original image and took it into photoshop where I made a rectangular selection and then added a sprayed effect to the edges of it. Then I selected a color from the blue off of the rope and filled in the outer areas of the picture with it.



Monday June 6th , 2011 6:33 AM

Rexburg, ID



With this I took the photo into photoshop where i deleted the image and then brought it back in certain areas with a heavy brush and the History Brush tool. This gives me the nice looking brushed looks on the edge due to the type of brush I used.



Monday June 6th , 2011 6:31 AM

Rexburg, ID



On this last shot I took it into photoshop and copies the image. Then I gave it a Multiply blending option and then made a rectangular selection, deleting the middle. After that I made a simple box around the lighted are below with a pink I grabbed from the multiplied edge. I also raised the levels on the original background image a touch.