Monday, June 6, 2011


For my single scan I decided to use the cool stuff my girlfriend brought back from her trip to Europe earlier this semester with the school. We have ticket stubs, museum maps, chocolate bar wrappers and an Italia bracelet she brought back for me. Lots of random stuff with a common theme that I feel turned out very nice.

Spring Time
These are all scans I put together. I used sunflower seeds, a dried flower, and a couple of shirts. I tooks some of the seeds and arranged them the way I wanted and then made it look as though the flower was growing out of one. Then i used my brown shirt for the ground and my tye-dye shirt as the sky. I added a linear blending mode to the sky and a gradient in the top corner. All the scans were done in 600 pixels.


  1. Incredible job with the multiple image scan. Definitely the most creative one that I've seen. I like the colors, the composition, everything. Using the tye-dye shirt as the sky is definitely not something I'd though of, but it works well, especially with the blending mode and gradient you've used. You've got talent man!

  2. chris amazing job with all your scanography pictures this week. Your mulitple image scan is still my favorite, they way you arange the objects to create a intresting scene is really cool. You can see your photoshop skills in that photo. great job.
